Thursday, December 16, 2010

Secrets by One Republic

Secrets is the second single released from OneRepublic's second album. Even though "Secrets" was released in June 2010, this is still a nice song that not many take notice in. I decided to review this song and relating it to the recent WikiLeaks news. These two lines, "Til' all my sleeves are stained red/From all the truth that I've said" are prime examples for consequences of the recent releases of diplomatic cables on WikiLeaks. I visualize the red sleeves as a sign of blood and the act of terrorism. Also, the honesty and sincerity of our modern society is questioned through his song. On the other hand, others portray it as a man with a boring life who is starting a new "life". It is rare in our modern-day music to find a song that encourages the audience to find their own inner meaning. The narrator of the song no longer pay attention to the "perfect" set of guidelines and decide to reveal the secrets inside of him.
The song starts out with a moderate conversation and turns in a full vocal composition with a powerful chorus. Ryan Tedder, the writer and lead of the band, did a good job encouraging the public about following their ambitions. This songs can be simultaneously funky, symphonic, inspirational, and meaningful.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Friends or Not ?

Nick Carraway is presented as a quiet and reflective part of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s personality. On the other hand, Jay Gatsby is portrayed as a wealthy celebrity who is willing to do anything to pursue his goals. At first in Nick's perspective, Jay Gatsby almost treated him like a real friend/acquaintance. In chapter three, Gatsby started to approach Nick quickly by inviting him to one of Gatsby's parties. This allowed him to get more familiar with Nick. Later on, in a very truthful and friendly attitude, he drove Nick around in his Rolls-Royce and opened up his background to Nick. After when Jordan Baker revealed the past about Gatsby, he decided to take initiative to ask Nick about inviting Daisy and him over to Nick's house. Knowing that Nick was Daisy's neighbor and her cousin, Gatsby only used him as a way to get closer to obtaining Daisy. Personally, I think that he planned everything out so carefully from the start by first buying a house near Daisy and then approaching Nick in a extremely sociable way. After discovering that Gatsby used him to assist his own affair with Daisy, Nick felt that he was remotely forgotten and abandoned. Their relationship has grown incredibly distant when Gatsby reunites with Daisy. Gatsby treated Nick like a friend before his reunion but after, the true side of the friendship was revealed. He no longer finds Nick necessary and abandons him while he redevelops the relationship with Daisy.

Friday, December 3, 2010

A Flake of Snow

As I flutter on a chilly day
Where the sight bring sleighs
Kids smile to our delight
I float on top of Christmas lights
Jammed into one packed crowd
We get smashed onto fleshes of the proud
Wars are formed by our brisk conditions
Being a part of the old planet's traditions
A man can be made from our flurry
But they usually melt in a hurry
We are unappreciated by adults
And get pushed aside as a result
Some find it annoying
While others think it's enjoying
The ground is covered by blankets of us
Yet nothing grows out of our abundant success
We warm mankind's hearts
With a reminder about winter's start
I am a flake of snow

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thankful for Classmates

Altogether, I am very thankful for every single person in my whole American Literature class. We have a wonderful teacher that we should all be very thankful for his deep teachings and his humorous intellects. I'm not too familiar with this class even though I been in this class for over 12 weeks. Being thankful on Thanksgiving is all that you can ever ask for on such a holiday. There are several people that I would like to especially thank:

Sam Chu (he's not in our class but he also have Mr. McCarthy): You are a great friend with a big and kind heart and too bad that we aren't in the same American Lit. class. Without your assistance and reminders about homework for many classes, I wouldn't be able to survive high school. So, thank you! :)

Jia Jia: We had fun in our freshmen years in PE and I'm glad that we have became good buddies. You would always start extraordinary discussions. I'm very thankful for your help in all of the classes we have in common. XD

Clark: You are an awesome friend but sometimes you can be a bit annoying. Well, sometimes I can also be a bit bothersome. Having two literature classes together for two consecutive years, you helped me with a lot of my ridiculous questions. I am truly very thankful for your advices and being there as a friend. :]

To those who are reading my blog: May all of you have a fun and happy holiday season! I'm very thankful that you are taking your time to read this post. I will be even more thankful if you leave a comment. :D

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I am a Plow

I am a plow that once had its glory on the field in the years of the 1800s. Before, I was able to plow over 10 acres of land in a day. I was used by many people and was traded around several neighborhoods. Back in the days, I was a very popular tool and my abilities were praised by the whole community. Humans ran me through their fields and used me for initial cultivation of soil in preparation for planting seeds. Now, I would just sit in a museum and display my glorious stains. Half the times, museum visitors would barely notice me in the corner of the agriculture display. I am no longer able to help humans cultivate with my rusty and old form. The next generation has already replaced me with their large tractors. Now, they are able to plow about ten times faster than me. I haven't been outside for decades. I would always reminisce over my young years of working on the field and the happiness I brought to humans. Unlike now, almost everyone depended on agriculture back then. Products from plants were the main source of trade and income of every nation, and that wouldn't be possible without the existence of us.

Friday, November 12, 2010

A Direction the Class Needs

I was very glad that I am in such an open minded and fun class with a humorous and interesting teacher. In my opinion, I don't think this class needs too many "directions" or advices. We get a lot done in a period, and discussion are very interesting and analytical.

A important piece of advice for the future is to keep away from procrastination. This is the act of putting aside tasks to a later time. Everyone should always have the habit of completing all their work and notes on the day it is assigned and before they are due. Managing your time wisely and avoiding distractions such as Facebook, video games, and etc. can help you stay focus on your tasks. Note-taking can be very problematic for certain people like me. Sometimes, I would forget to take notes on a chapter of a book and try to set it aside for days. I am trying my best to break this bad habit of delaying notes. Another reason is the endless amounts of work assigned by certain teachers of my classes, and I never get enough time to complete all the tasks that I hope to finish for that day. Also, using your weekends wisely will highly benefit you when you have projects and papers due.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Modern Slavery

Even though slavery is highly prohibited in most parts of the world, we still see this inhumane practice of slavery in South Asia and Africa. There are still currently about 27 million slaves in our modern world. They are forced to work without pay and in harsh environments. Modern slaves are consider servants in Sudan, carpet slaves in India, and cane cutter in Pakistan. Dinkas tribes in southern Sudan are invaded by Arab militants and, women and children are taken away from their home. Arab believe that it is traditional and justified to own Southern Sudan slaves as properties. In my opinion, that is a highly unjust and shocking custom. All human beings are suppose to be treated equally. The location and ethnic background of Northern Arabs does not make them any more different from the rest of the country. In India, children would be kidnapped from their homes and held captive in distant locations. They forced to work in order to survive. Many cane cutters in Pakistan are shackled in leg irons to prevent escaping. Surprised and astounded, I personally didn't know that slavery still existed in our 21st century, and didn't know that so many people are currently suffering from this. Even though this is now a minor and secretive issue, these shameful methods of labor should be eliminated as soon as possible.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Puritans in America

Coming to America in the 1600s, Puritans fled England for reasons of religious persecution. Migrating as a family, they brought many important values of unity, family, strictness, and love. Puritans were able to marry for love instead of having arranged marriages. Parents took strict consideration for their children.The parent's consent determines the child's faith. The names of children had to be named after great Bibical figures. They also banned the celebration of Christmas and despised other religious affiliations such as the Quakers. Adultery was consider as a major crime and the punishments are extremely severe. This still exist in some states of our modern day nation as a morality crime even though it goes against the Constitution. Over 30% of Americans believe in enforcing this law. I personally believe that it is unnecessary to enforce this law because everyone has to right to be with whom they want to. People should have a pursuit for their happiness as stated in our rights, but I was taught to be loyal and grateful to what you have. A person shouldn't get marry if they know that they will commit adultery and wouldn't love their spouse in the future. I don't support the laws of adultery but I don't support the idea of adultery.

Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in Salem, Massachusetts with Puritan backgrounds. His literary works focus on dark romanticism. All his novels suggest that guilt, sin, and evil are natural aspects of humanity. In the Scarlet Letter, it depicts Hester Prynne of being punished by adulterous affairs and her attempts to starting a new life. Throughout the book, themes of legalism, sin, and guilt were expressed.

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Moment I Knew I was an American

The definition of an American is a person who incorporate his/her own culture with the cultures of the diversity in America and given the rights of the Constitution. The moment I knew I was an American was when I went back to China and realized how I differ from my Chinese cousins. In their eyes, I was a foreigner who lived a life of free rights and diversity. In my whole life, I have only made two trips to China. I understood that I differed from them in language, cultures, and nationality. They were all taught formal Chinese and lived in China absorbing all the heritage. Their opinions couldn't be expressed easily and they experiences a strict, competitive education. Comparing to me, I lived in America and had no sense of the real Chinese culture. Even though my parents are Chinese immigrants, I was born as an American in the USA. I resemble a "spring roll" which was thought to be an Americanized Chinese dish. I have a mixed culture of Chinese heritage and American education celebrating Chinese New Year and Christmas at the same time. Even though I am not truly Chinese, my nationality will always be American with a hint of Chinese culture.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Us vs. Them ... Us and Them

The causes of conflicts that lead to death conclusions are seen throughout the story of The Crucible and can be found in our current world. Not everyone agree and share similar ideas on economical, political, and religious issues. People's belief of resolving conflicts by sending their enemies to death is seen widely throughout history. Causes of wars are a prime example in our modern-day society. People's greed for more lust, wealth, and power can cause tremendous conflicts within and against nations. This will bring out wars that will try to rid opposing forces.
Controversial topics of religion are a huge cause of death in The Crucible. The belief of the Christianity and the pure works of God are consider to be of the norm and law. Those who try to sway away from the majority will be considered sinful and processed by the devil. The society's unwillingness to change and strictness of the authorities made it so that those who are not following the implanted set of rules will be punished to the extreme. Some believe that ending others lives will create a solution for their conflict but I think this is a very inhumane way of resolving a conflict. Extreme consequences are not necessary for those who don't deserve it.

Friday, October 1, 2010

John Proctor...Hero or Stooge?

Honest and upright, John Proctor was a good man, but one with a secret, fatal flaw. There are two choices to portray John Proctor in The Crucible. He is seen in my opinion as a tragic hero because of how he saved his wife and confessed about his adultery trying to stop Abigail's crazy rampage. It requires a lot of courage to confess that you actually had an affair with someone. Also, he tried to keep himself away from Abigail knowing that he did wrong before the trials. Even though the truth was told, the timing was wrong and nobody believed him. His betraying servant, Mary, blamed all the "devil's company"on him. Sadly, he was located in a unfortunate situation where nobody believed the truth when he wanted to admit and everyone accusing him. Knowing that the only way to survive was confession, he directed all the witchcraft doings to himself. After forcing him to confess and sign the confession, the court still wanted to post it on the church. Nobody would want their shameful secrets made public. It would have humiliated him and ruin his reputation for the rest of his life. Such an ugly scar is unjust for a man who took a little stumble and once had a great reputation. Why was that even necessary?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sinners in the Hands of Angry God

Puritan was a strict branch of religion coming from Protestantism of Christianity. This passage of "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" explains the wrath of God seen in the eyes of Puritans and how we are seen in God's view. His almighty decision of a person going to heaven or hell was determined when one was born. Good works and a righteous attitude does not change the fact of your predestination in the beliefs of Puritans. This is shown in Jonathan Edwards' preachings about the predictions of God's mighty wrath.

If I was listening to Jonathan Edward's speech at this very moment, I would reject his ideas and believe God as a caregiver rather than a wrath divine superior who chooses when to take away one's life anytime he feels like it. Even though I disagree with him in my mind, I would not try to stand up and oppose him. My life will be on the line if I choose to reform their beliefs. There are a lot of people that live by the Puritan rules of the speech of Jonathan Edward. In my opinion, the stress of faith and good works are both essential for true salvation. Predestination opposes the importance equality for all believers. It is portrayed in this passage that Puritans' faith in God can bring potential danger and suffering for them.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Arrivals...There Goes The Neighborhood

As Christopher Columbus set foot onto the earth of America, everything will change for the Native American inhabitants. Before 1492, North America was barely inhabited, unused, and undeveloped. The Native American inhabitants were mostly hunter-gatherers and wanders across the land trying to survive day after day with what they can find. There was no change or revolution, no growth for centuries. Before Columbus, Native American life was nasty, brutish, and short with the sense of that there was no written language, no division of labor, little agriculture and rare permanent settlements. Also, there were endless bloody wars between tribes with undeveloped weaponry. Life would go on for them without any society development. The exploration of America brought an opening for permanent colonial settlements from people all over the world. In the 1600's, Europeans started to bring live stocks to America and also established international trading systems. Then, America flourished and advanced in agriculture and ideals. Missionaries also spread the faith of their religions. This also allowed Europeans and Native Americans to exchange their cultures and heritage with each other. Even though a lot of Native Americans were driven from their homeland, this allowed Europeans for a permanent settlement. Europeans also controlled the ongoing wars of Native Americans. The advancement of America led to an development of ideas and creations of Aristotle, Galileo, Newton, and the thousands of thinkers, writers, and inventors who came to America.Without the exploration of Columbus and the change and contribution of the Native American society, United States of America would not exist.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Introduction

Hi everyone!

My name is Henley. Even though I am a sophmore, the feeling of 9th grade still flows inside. I came from a Chinese background and was born in Chicago. My hobbies include playing computer games, biking, fishing, watching TV, and sleeping.
A good amount of sleep can brighten up the soul. Sadly, I am not too big of a fan in music. Despite the fact that I am not always prepared for school after summer, I will be always interested and curious about learning. I hope that I will learn some intriguing new things and I will try my best in this class.